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This pandemic has the potential to negatively impact shelters and rescues due to temporary loss of staff and volunteers, limited resources and space, and more pets being surrendered. The Humane Society of the United States provides protocol and guidance for animal shelters to navigate the COVID-19 situation. This website is updated by animal sheltering experts on a daily basis. This link details important steps to expand foster networks during this critical time. ...

The Pennsylvania Animal Response Team (PART) is working with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) to prepare for the needs of pets should COVID-19 affect shelters or render pets in need. We encourage businesses and agricultural installations that have animals to create a plan for their care should employees become sick or access to supplies becomes limited. The Pennsylvania State Animal Response Teams are also on standby for emergency services, and their webpage is being updated with info here. ...

Pets are an important part of our families, and Pennsylvania law requires us to have a plan in place to care for them. This situation is evolving quickly so pet resources may or may not be available and pet related businesses, organizations, etc. will have to evaluate whether or not to restrict opening to the public. Pennsylvania families should properly prepare and care for their pets in the midst of this crisis. Please maintain adequate supplies of food, water, and medications for all family members including pets. ...

The Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association is PA’s only statewide professional membership organization for the veterinary profession representing over 3,800 veterinarians, certified veterinary technicians, assistants, practice managers, and other support staff. Our mission is to ensure the vitality of the profession by promoting excellence in veterinary medicine, advancing animal health and welfare, and protecting and enhancing human health. PVMA's Position The PVMA issues the following statement regarding our concerns and opposition to Senate Bill 44, which would ban the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits by pet stores in Pennsylvania. The PVMA is in...

Pennsylvanians are experiencing the hot and hazy days of summer. With the arrival of the hot weather, animals have an extra level of protection from the extreme heat of cars. Owners are always encouraged to keep their animals safe and away from hot cars while unattended. This new law empowers law enforcement agencies to save them if owners fall short of their care responsibilities. In October of 2018, Gov. Wolf signed into law The Motor Vehicle Extreme Heat Protection Act, which allows law enforcement officers to break into an unattended vehicle...

Harrisburg, PA: The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) released their third update on June 27, 2019 regarding the investigation that feeding dogs “grain-free” food increases heart-related issues. The FDA began the investigation in July 2018 after reports of several dog illnesses and fatalities which appeared to have links back to boutique-style dog food labeled as “grain-free”. This latest update, and the investigation which prompted it, are causing a hysteria in the dog-lover community. Bryan R. Langlois, DVM, President of the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA) clarifies that there is no need for...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Harrisburg, PA: The current President of the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA), Bryan Langlois, DVM, wants to remind all animal owners that the extreme cold weather in over the next few days can present life-threatening dangers to their pets and farm animals. Owners are urged to take the proper precautions to prevent excessive exposure of their animals to this cold. “While some animals are bred to handle the cold better than others, the extreme cold snap coming presents dangers to all animals,” says Dr. Langlois....

Many thanks to all of our members who responded to the survey on the prescribing of controlled substances in your practices. We received well over 200 responses, giving us enough data to make a convincing presentation to our legislators why veterinarians should continue to be exempt from PA’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. For now, the Legislature’s consideration of removing the exemption has been tabled. More importantly, PVMA LRAC has laid the ground work for the 2019-2020 legislative cycle by making a convincing argument as at to why veterinary prescribing is...