Contact Us

Important information to know before completing this form:

  • PVMA does not handle Pennsylvania’s Veterinarian or Certified Veterinary Technician state licensing. For PA licensing renewals or questions, please contact the PA State Board of Veterinary Medicine at 717.783.7134 or You may contact PVMA if you are seeking proof of continuing education credit from one of our events for licensing or audits.
  • PVMA is not a governing body and does not process complaints or take disciplinary action on licensed veterinarians, technicians or veterinary practices. If you have a question or grievance, please contact the PA Department of State and click on File a Complaint.
  • Other common pet/animal resources for the general public:
    • Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement – Licensing, rabies vaccination, and animal welfare
    • Cruelty/Humane Issues – Contact your local Humane Society, SPCA, or Police
    • Barking Dogs or Feral Cats – Contact your local municipality

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