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The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania recognizes the critical role production agriculture, agribusinesses, food processors and manufacturers, retailers, and the entire distribution and support network from farm to table play in assuring a safe, reliable food supply. The PA Department of Agriculture has developed a guide with links to articles with recommendations for farms to limit exposure and risk related to COVID-19 (novel coronavirus). REad More ...

While this virus seems to have emerged from an animal source, it is now spreading from person-to-person. At this time, there is no evidence that companion animals, including pets, can spread COVID-19. However, since animals can spread other diseases to people, it is always a good idea to wash your hands and use appropriate hygiene before and after interacting with animals. Given community transmission of COVID-19 in the U.S., it is possible that many people, including clients and/or staff may become ill. Read More ...

Gain practical advice on managing your clinics through this public health emergency. Many PVMA members are calling us for practical advice on managing their clinics through this public health emergency, especially in areas such as Montgomery County, where the Governor has recommended the closing of all non-essential businesses. While each situation is unique, here are some suggestions to ensure that your staff and clients stay as safe as possible.   Cancel all non-essential services for a minimum of two weeks. This is especially advisable in areas such as Montgomery County that have seen...

As many changes are taking place on a daily basis, practice owners and managers are facing new challenges in keeping up to date with the new laws and guidelines. Many are wondering how to handle this new unknown territory on staffing questions during this time. PVMA’s partner, FocusHRO, has provided a summary document to help guide you about the new laws taking effect and programs to help you, your business and your staff. If you are looking for assistance with Human Resources or Employment Benefits during COVID-19, click here. For more information on...

The new Coronavirus (COVID-19) that has been rapidly traveling the globe has been reported in Pennsylvania as infecting a few people. There has also been a report out of Hong Kong that a dog, that was owned by an infected person, tested a weak positive for the virus. This has raised concern among the pet-owning public that their pets may be a reservoir for the virus and potentially spread it. Dr. Bryan Langlois, Medical Director of the Pet Pantry of Lancaster County and Immediate Past-President of the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical...

The new Coronavirus (COVID-19) that has been rapidly traveling the globe has been reported in Pennsylvania as infecting a few people. There has also been a report out of Hong Kong that a dog, that was owned by an infected person, tested a weak positive for the virus. This has raised concern among the pet-owning public that their pets may be a reservoir for the virus and potentially spread it. Dr. Bryan Langlois, Medical Director of the Pet Pantry of Lancaster County and Immediate Past-President of the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical...

Source: U.S. Department of Labor The Department of Labor has just released a poster for employers to post in the workplace, as well as a FAQ to help everyone understand these new guidelines. Each covered employer must post a notice of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) requirements in a conspicuous place on its premises. Employee Rights PosterPaid Sick Leave & Expanded Family and Medical Leave Under the FFCRA FFCRA Overview for Employers FFCRA FAQ for Employers ...