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Excerpt Source: As expected, the CARES Act cleared the Senate by a vote of 96-0 just before midnight on March 25, and the House passed the bill on Friday, March 27, 2020. President Trump signed the legislation Friday afternoon. Notably, the CARES Act represents the most significant stimulus package in our nation’s history. It contains many complicated and intersecting provisions that will take time to interpret, particularly as we await further clarifications from the Department of Treasury, Department of Labor, and the Small Business Administration. Read More ...

PVMA has received several inquiries from veterinary professionals wanting to help their local healthcare communities in regards to supplies, especially PPE. Our State Public Health Veterinarian has suggested that the best place veterinary providers to start is to reach out to their county Emergency Managers. The local EMAs will have a sense as to where the needs are, and it has the added benefit of keeping the donated materials in the community. VIEW COUNTY EMERGENCY Managers ...

Excerpt Source: The Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) recently authorized the transfer of $40 million to the Small Business First Fund for CWCA. PIDA authorized making $60 million available to provide loans of $100,000 or less to for-profit businesses with 100 or fewer full-time employees. Funds are expected to become available this week. Read more …Eligible costs include working capital, which for purposes of this program is considered capital used by a small business for operations, excluding fixed assets and production machinery and equipment. Any eligible working capital cost, as defined...

On March 24, 2020, FDA has issued guidance, for immediate implementation, that temporarily suspends the enforcement of certain aspects of the federal veterinarian-client-patient-relationship (VCPR) requirements. Those federal requirements apply to extralabel drug use, the issuing of veterinary feed directives and the creation and use of certain veterinary biologics. The guidance acknowledges individual state VCPR requirements that may continue to exist, acknowledges current federal VCPR requirements related to in-person examinations or premises visits, and indicates suspension of requirements outlined in guidance are temporary measures during the COVID-19 outbreak. PA Specific Guidelines:Health care...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] On Thursday, March 19, 2020, PVMA held a Virtual Town Hall to answer important questions that were submitted by your veterinary colleagues. Our panelists included Dr. Kevin Brightbill, Dr. Tina Dougherty, Dr. Kate Harnish, Dr. Bryan Langlois, Dr. Lloyd Reitz, and Dr. David Wolfgang. We have compiled those questions and answers below. If there have been any changes to the topic since the Town Hall, that question has been answered with the most up-to-date information we can provide.   LIFE-SUSTAINING BUSINESSES, ESSSENTIAL VS. NON-ESSENTIAL PROCEDURES,...

On March 22, 2020, Governor Wolf granted the Department of State’s request to suspend restrictions on distance-learning for continuing-education requirements for certain licensed professionals. Many licensing boards of the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs have ongoing continuing education requirements. Although only a few boards are currently in renewal, many “in-person” continuing education programs are canceling courses or closing education centers and it is unknown how long they may be impacted. The Boards listed below have restrictions on the number or percentage of continuing-education hours that can be done through distance education....