Writer’s Guidelines

Thanks for considering writing for Keystone Veterinarian. This guide is designed to answer all of your questions for submitting articles to the magazine. Feel free to contact the editorial team with additional questions or for advanced article concept approval at 717.220.1437 or Membership@PaVMA.org.

Keystone Veterinarian magazine (KVM) is the flagship quarterly magazine of the PVMA. KVM maintains the highest standards of intellectual quality, editorial excellence, and design to service its readers who are working across the commonwealth to advance veterinary medicine and care for animals.

Types of Articles in Keystone Veterinarian:

Our articles are designed to increase the productivity, efficiency, and knowledge of veterinary industry professionals. Because the PVMA is the professional association of the entire veterinary industry in the commonwealth, the magazine focuses on the entire team; that is: the veterinarian, certified veterinary technician, veterinary assistant, practice manager, office manager, CEO, bookkeeper, administrative assistant, etc. Therefore, scientific veterinary practice, wellness, and business articles are welcome.


We are interested in features, not reports or news articles. So, please approach your submission as a magazine article not a report or journal paper. It should be a narrative with a beginning, middle, and end, filled with anecdotes and the voices of professional, owners, and experts (even if that is you). If the article is about medicine, tell a story about it and how the problem was solved. We want others to be able to apply or adapt successful practices to their own situation. Papers written for academic assignments are almost never appropriate for KVM without significant revision.

Length, Font, Spacing, and File Type:

Length – Our standard bread and butter articles are 500-800 words with cover articles and special features 800-1500 words. Rarely do we accept cover articles and special features from writers we are working with the first time. Usually, we invite writers to these coveted spots after knowing their work, style, quality, and timeliness. Thus, plan to stick to 500-800 words unless otherwise requested.

  • Font – Arial, 12 point
  • Spacing – Single Spaced. No beginning or ending paragraph spacing. One space (carriage return) between paragraphs. Block style (no indents).
  • File Type – We prefer MS Word (.docx) but will also accept text files (.txt. and .rtf)
Titles, Subtitles, and Call-outs:

Keystone Veterinarian is a magazine for busy professionals. Catch their attention with your title. Be creative. Have flair. Think: Marketing. We prefer the use of very short subtitles within the article to break up thoughts, topics, and sub-topics. (Please note: titles and subtitles may be rewritten by the Editor). If you have related information, data, charts, graphs, etc., provide them at the end of your article as a possible “call-out” that we may use, space providing. You may submit information for up to two call-out suggestions.

About the Author:

Your article should be informative, but your About is a sales pitch. Include your full pen name at the beginning with post-nominal letters and your contact info at the end (can includes some or all the following: phone, email, social media). The middle can be your biography, why you like to write, a call to action, or some other marketing. Just make sure it is 30-70 words or the editorial team might add, cut, or change your favorite part.

Sample About the Author:

Joe Cool, DVM is a recognized leader in veterinary emergency medicine and triage advancements. His best-selling book, “Snoopy’s Veterinary Emergency Procedures” is considered the authority by many veterinary schools and hospitals. He is a top draw speaker at veterinary conferences across the country. Dr. Cool can be reached via Facebook @CoolVetDr, email Snoopy@CoolVetDr.com, or call 123.555.1212.

Photos and Images:

Supporting photos files must be high resolution of at least 300 dpi in .jpg or .png format. The total size of the e-mail must be under 1MB. Along with your photos, include in your text file information for the caption for the photo(s). Be specific, but limit captions to 30 words or less. For images larger than 1MB, use WeTransfer.com with email address Membership@PaVMA.org. Please reference the article in your message so we can properly pair the image with your article. IMPORTANT: Do not include photos within your article text document. Attach them separately.


We only accept submissions electronically via our web portal at PaVMA.org. From the home page, type “KVM” in the search bar in the upper right then select “Call for Articles”

All submissions should include: Your suggested title, the article, your name as you want it printed with all post-nominal letters, your email address, your phone number, your mailing address, “About the Author”, supporting photos, if any.

Advance Article Concept Approval:

It’s always best to call us at 717.220.1437 or send us an email query prior to writing an article, describing the piece you have in mind and asking whether it might be appropriate for the magazine and for which issue, in accordance with the Editorial Calendar. Of course, if you have an article in hand, feel free to send it along, but first read on to make sure it’s a good fit.

Submission to Other Publications:

KVM does accept articles that have been, or will be, published elsewhere, including online. Just be sure not to violate any copyrights or license agreements that you may have signed.

Editorial Policies:

Approved articles will be scheduled for publication at the editor’s discretion and will be edited to conform to the magazine’s style and format. All articles submitted to KVM are subject to editing for clarity, grammar, and length. Titles and subtitles may be rewritten by the editor.


Copy should be accurate. KVM cannot assume responsibility for the accuracy of facts, figures, or names in submitted copy. Before submitting material, verify the spelling of names, titles, countries, and institutions. Use full names of organizations and agencies when first mentioned and provide abbreviations or acronyms in parentheses following. Abbreviate thereafter. Verify titles and quotations from printed sources. Confirm any deadline dates in your copy.

Acceptance and Publication:

We will acknowledge your article upon receipt. The decision to reject or accept an article is made as quickly as possible and we aim to inform authors of a decision within 30 days. As a quarterly magazine, we plan several months in advance for each issue. Once your article has been accepted and scheduled for a particular issue, the editorial team will contact you with that information. Moreover, as a Thank You for accepted submissions, we will send you 3 hard copies of the magazine with your article once it is published.